VBS week

Last week I had the privilege of helping with Vacation Bible School at the chapel, alongside of some of my middle school and high school students. Here’s some pics of the week!Image

Sarah, Emily, and Tori being crazy at the registration table


Emily putting a kid’s name tag on

ImageMilitary kids 🙂


Rachel and Emily and their kiddos. (Rachel is not a picture person)


ImageRaising their hands because they were asked if they have a deployed mommy or daddy that they miss.

ImageSarah and her kids.

ImageEngrossed in the Bible story.

ImageRachel playing with the kids.

ImageRenee is so helpful!

ImageJon and his kids.

ImageChapel full of military kids learning about and worshiping God. He is working all over the world.

“Let the little children come to me…”

So proud of all my hard working students that week, giving up sleeping in and choosing to serve among messy, loud, sometimes unruly but many times adorable little kids. 🙂